Mundo Novo wins 2 awards at the Rio 2021 Film Festival

Written by Álvaro Campos and cast, directed by them and produced by Diogo Dahl, producer of Coqueirão Pictures, the film "Mundo Novo" is a source of great pride for the production company. The reason is that it won the statuettes for Best Actress - for Tati Villela - and Best Screenplay at the Rio 2021 Film Festival.
Shot in only 6 days and with a very low budget, it can be called a "guerilla film". But the central point is that the whole plot takes place on the one-year anniversary of the pandemic, while it was still at its peak. The fictional work thus embraces the protocols of COVID 19, incorporating them into the plot. Impossible not to identify, isn't it?
Piauí Magazine recognized the merits of the feature in a beautiful article, from which I transcribe an excerpt:
"Despite the difficulties arising from the pandemic, including the paralysis of audiovisual production and the burocratic stalling of the means of support for the sector, Campos and the team of Mundo Novo demonstrated that making independent cinema can be a vital activity, that is, necessary for the maintenance of life. The existence of the film reaffirms the obvious that has been disregarded - professional practice, even for artists and technicians, women and men, is a fundamental right and a condition for survival to be guaranteed and respected" (Eduardo Escorel, Revista Piauí, Dec/2021).
It seems that the "impossible movie" has become possible after all.

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SUP, XMAS!, Coqueirão's first animated feature, currently in development, has been selected for Animation! VENTANA SUR 2024.

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